Hello my Geek Peeps! The Amazon is still recovering/meeting deadlines (and yes, unpacking and finding the perfect places for new toys) post Comic-Con. So until I can get my own recaps up of great panels, girl geeks you should know, con swag, and most embarrassing geek moments, here is a round-up to keep you informed and satisfied in the meantime!
The Geek Girls Network reports on their Geek Girls Exist panel. This was a standing room only event – held on a Thursday, no less. Good news for those of us seeking more female-driven content at Cons. As I recently wrote, “Us Grrrl Geeks have to stick together – – especially if we want to make sure that there continues to be content at the Con, and within popular culture and entertainment media, that reflects OUR desires, interests, and fantasies.”
The Beat provides a thorough recap of True Blood at Comic-Con. They suggest that True Blood is a massive scale fan fic take on the Sookie Stackhouse series. Great observation – totally agree. (Plus love the Godric costume!)
Geek Girl on the Street, friend of The Amazon, has a round-up of interviews and photos from their weekend – including an exclusive chat with yours truly!
The completely adorable Discriminating Fangirl lets us know why we should crush on Ryan Reynolds.
From EW’s Pop Watch, Pacey-Con. I never watched “Dawson’s Creek” but I’m bummed I missed Pacey-Con. If Fringe wasn’t already enough to inspire a crush on Josh Jackson, this would do it.
Bonnie Burton recaps the Her Universe Comic-Con Panel: Focus on Female Fans.
Additionally, photos will continue to be posted to the Ink-Stained Amazon Facebook Page!