Archive for April, 2010

Had a blast at this year’s WonderCon in San Francisco. As usual, I didn’t get around to seeing half of what I wanted to and yet was also charmed by surprises.

My presentation on Friday went well. Over 60 people were in attendance, including my Dad and his wife, Suze — who did not let anyone leave the room without getting a promotional postcard! It was good to see old friends and meet new ones. Thanks to everyone that came out to the presentation and who stopped by to say “Hi” at the signing table.

And a special thanks to Ms.Trina Robbins for letting me borrow her table for a bit!

On Saturday, I went to Trina’s panel, and then enjoyed our annual Women Comics Scholars lunch at the SFMOMA cafe with her and Jeannine Hall Gailey.

While wandering the exhibition floor I met the absolutely darling, John Stanley — a local writer and television personality who used to host “Creature Features” on KTVU.

It turns out John and Trina are friends, and he and I traded books!

I got John Stanley’s Creature Features Movie Guide Strikes Again in exchange for a copy of Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors. I also bought his autobiography, I Was A TV Horror Host.

Here’s some old footage of John.

John’s predecessor was Bob Wilkins — it turns out that like John, Bob is a Bay Area legend. My Dad said he used to watch Bob Wilkins’ “Creature Features” when he first moved to the Bay Area in the early 1970s. I’m now completely interested in learning more about local TV cult personalities.

If you are too, here’s a link to a trailer for a documentary about Creature Features: Watch Horror Films, Keep America Strong.

Sitting at the Creature Features table with John was film critic, Dennis Willis author of Flick Nation. We traded books too! I LOVE being a published author!

On Sunday I went to a presentation by Jeannine Hall Gailey titled, From Buffy to the X-Men: Female Comic Book Superheroes in Women’s Poetry. Jeannine is a wonderful poet and the author of Becoming the Villainess — which I highly recommend!

(Psst . . . She’s also my friend!:)

Here’s a bonus photo of my con treasures.