Time for a round-up of updates from the world of the Ink-Stained Amazon!
I’m excited to be contributing to FilmCatcher for Chicago Now!
Here are my two latest pieces:
I Hated It! (But Not Really): Burlesque (2010)
FilmCatcher Review: I’m the Black Swan!
(I watch Natalie Portman masturbate and I get hit on the head with “symbolism.”)
DC Women Kicking Ass collected the 30 most memorable moments for women in DC Comics and enlisted fellow comics bloggers, commentators, and creators to write about each one.
I was honored to be asked to contribute memorable moment number 14: The Debut of Batgirl – which is an edited excerpt from my chapter, “The Best Dressed Women in Gotham City,” included in the book, Gotham City 14 Miles: 14 Essays on why the 1960s Batman Series Matters.
I also wrote about Wonder Woman and The Amazon Contest for memorable moment number 24.
I was thrilled to be included with the caliber of other guest posters including, Phil Jimenez, Gail Simone, and Greg Rucka!
I’m excited to announce that Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors: Superwomen in Modern Mythology made the Amelia Bloomer Project List of Recommended Titles for 2011.
The Amelia Bloomer Project is part of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association, and create an annual booklist of the best feminist books for young readers, ages birth through 18.
I’m so honored that librarians are recommending my book as a valuable read for teenagers!
On the topic of recommendations – Erica McGillivray of Sliver of Ice recommends Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors to anyone interested in how heroic women are portrayed in pop culture.
Once again, I will be presenting at the Comic Arts Conference at Wondercon. This year I’m looking forward to presenting with my friend, Trina Robbins.
A Brief Herstory of Gum Shoe Gals, Spy-Fi Sheroes, and Private Dick Chicks
Join comics herstorians, the legendary Trina Robbins and Ink-Stained Amazon Jennifer K. Stuller – together on stage for the first time – as they present an introduction to some of their favorite undercover women in comics. From Miss Fury and Senorita Rio to Honey West, Modesty Blaise, Ms. Tree, and more, come learn about the herstory of female detectives and spies in comics from the women who love them.
As already mentioned, I’m participating in The Great Buffy Rewatch of 2011.
Organized by Nikki Stafford and taking place on Tuesday nights throughout 2011, the rewatch has already featured some awesome contributors including: Nikki in Week 1, David Lavery in Week 2 and Matthew Pateman in Week 3.
This Tuesday, January 25th, I share guest posting duties with David Kociemba!