Venture Brothers Season Premiere!

on May 30, 2008 in Uncategorized

The Boys are back in town over at Adult Swim starting this Sunday night at 11:30, but starting tonight you can watch the premiere episode two days early online at

According to co-creator Jackson Publick on his blog Publick Nuisance:

Season 3 of The Venture Bros. premieres online this evening at over at ADULT SWIM.COM with our first episode, “Shadowman 9: In the Cradle of Destiny.” As usual, you can spoil it for yourselves and watch it all tiny with questionable compression, or you can wait till Sunday night to see it in all its letterboxed, full-color, sonically-rich glory on the cable-equipped television of your choice. Whatever mode you choose to receive this gift, I implore you to please not spoil it for anyone else until after Sunday’s broadcast!

Also, Astro Base Go has a new Shirt of the Week Club!

Each week we premiere a brand new episode of The Venture Bros. television program, we will premiere a brand new t-shirt to go with it RIGHT HERE. The shirt will remain on sale for one week only–until the next episode and the next shirt premiere. We’ll only print as many shirts of each design as we receive orders for (okay, we’ll probably make a couple for ourselves, too) and once the ad for a shirt is removed, that shirt will never be available again.

Venture Bros. Shirt Club shirts will all be printed on only the finest American Apparel shirts available, and each is priced at $22 ($23 for 2XL). Each shirt is thematically tied in to the episode it premieres with and every shirt is different. 13 episodes, 13 shirts. That is, of course, unless you choose to SUBSCRIBE!

This week’s shirt is Guild-Themed.

And just to get you all excited, here is a Season Three Promo Trailer!

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