Women Read Comics in Public All Over the World!
Jennifer K. Stuller on August 29, 2010 in UncategorizedPiggybacking on the International Read Comics in Public Day was Women Read Comics in Public – a photo tumblr created by DC Women Kicking Ass. The site had this to say about the overwhelming turnout:
What a day! So many women have sent in pictures of them reading comics in public, I am not sure I’ve gotten all of them. So if you submitted one and haven’t seen it email me. I am so pleased so many of you took the time to do this. I was scrolling through and I saw such a wide variety of women who all love comics. It kinda got me verklempt. You all rock, you are all awesome and you are the the force needed to keep pushing to make women respected and paid attention to by the comic industry.
DC Women Kicking Ass rocks too for seeing this as an opportunity to show that women actually do read comics – – a fact that the industry increasingly can no longer refute. My hope though is that this isn’t interpreted as “well, women are reading comics so we’ve done our job” but that efforts are made to reach, and more importantly understand, the diverse tastes of female fans and readers.
Like DCWKA, I couldn’t help but be overwhelmed when scrolling through the Women Read Comics in Public tumblr. Seeing so many women, of various ages, from all over the world, reading so many different titles and making a statement, I admit, I got a bit verklempt too.
So what did you read in public yesterday?
I read “The Sandman: World’s End” by Neil Gaiman. Well, part of it, at least. Having seen your post, I sent a picture of me doing so to DCWKA 🙂
I saw your photo! Very cool! It was fun to see faces I recognized and so many from all over.
BTW – I’ve been meaning to thank you for such a nice review of “Ink-Stained Amazons.” So – Thank You!
Thank *you* – I really enjoyed it! I’m actually thinking of using it in my class in the Spring. Of course, I have to figure out what texts are on the syllabus first. Details, details…