We were absolutely thrilled that Jo Jo Stiletto Events brought Whedonesque Burlesque to our inaugural year of GeekGirlCon, and I was personally delighted to be asked to contribute some personal thoughts on Joss Whedon and what the Whedonverse means to me to the program. (Click image to embiggen.)
Posts Tagged ‘Geek Girl Con’
Tweets about GeekGirlCon (Tweeting ’bout a Revolution)
Jennifer K. Stuller on October 13, 2011 in Uncategorized 1 Comment »While I’m still not much of a Tweep (Tweeper? Twitterer?) I was pulled in so many directions over the GeekGirlCon weekend that I missed a lot of content. Thanks to Twitter I was able to catch some of the vibe and response and I am proud to see that we were successful in our mission. You have been inspired, creative juices are flowing, thoughts have been provoked, discussions are continuing, and new friends have been made – we’re feeling it on our end too. Thank you for being part of this and let’s keep with the forward momentum!
Here are some of my favorite tweets from the weekend – from Gail Simone as our incredible cheerleader, to recognition of our hard work and attention to detail, to feminist conversation, to yeah, a little bit of self-promotion. (A girl’s gotta work!)
The Gail
@GailSimone It was lovely to see so many female editors at @geekgirlcon, as well. Smart, funny, talented supportive women. Makes me hopeful.
@GailSimone Dear You People Who Didn’t Attend @geekgirlcon, you have my pity, it was AMAZING.
@GailSimone Hopefully, @geekgirlcon will lead to lots more like it. And there was nothing forced about it, it was an absolute blast, most fun con ever!
@GailSimone @newageamazon I can’t shut up about @geekgirlcon. Everywhere you looked there was music and art and great discussion.
@GailSimone @dcwomenkicknass HA! But it’s true, there’s real art in the design of the con. All the signs and merch for it are stunning and lovely.
@GailSimone Also, it’s a good day when Trina freaking Robbins says amazing things about your Wonder Woman run. Just saying! #happy
@GailSimone @geekgirlcon feels a little bit like being at Woodstock or something–it feels like a game changer, and we’re here to witness it.
@GailSimone This con honestly has some of the best, smartest, and most fun programming I’ve ever seen. It kills me to miss all these panels!
@GailSimone I never want to leave @geekgirlcon.
@GailSimone I want another @geekgirlcon right NOW.
The Ink-Stained Amazons (aka, The “My Publisher Needs to See These”)
@gentlethorns Plane reading: ‘ink-stained amazons and cinematic warriors’. An excellent analysis of female ‘heroes’ in the media (comics, tv + film)…
@lstigerts Fave #geekgirlcon session: “Ink-Stained Amazons & Cinematic Warriors” by @InkAmazon. Insightful. Gave me goosebumps.
@MWSBET Just ordered a copy of Ink-Stained Amazons! Ms Stuller @InkAmazon was one of my favourite panelists at @GeekGirlCon this weekend.
@giasilverman Shout outs to awesome @GeekGirlCon women who blew me away with their talent: @InkAmazon @catehstn @serenangai @geekyjessica Amy Berg
@theonetruebix #GeekGirlCon day two highlights: Batgirls (esp. @kyrax2); Killing Cattiness; @thedoubleclicks, @Molly23, @mariancall ninja gig; @InkAmazon.
@cymerin FANTASTIC presentation by @InkAmazon about Superwomen in Modern Mythology. Can’t wait to read the entire book. #geekgirlcon
@theonetruebix “You’ve all got me teary-eyed. This is such the best audience for this.” – @InkAmazon #GeekGirlCon
@fiainros Media Literacy and Ink Stained Amazon. RT @GeekGirlCon: What were your favorite panels at @GeekGirlCon? #geekgirlcon
@theonetruebix Isis shout-out at @InkAmazon’s panel. #GeekGirlCon #OhMightyIsis
@suzdal Yay, a mention of Olivia from Fringe at the Ink Stained Amazons panel. #geekgirlcon
@geekquality Everyone at Geekquality is reading @InkAmazon ‘s amazing book. “Ink-Stained Amazons and Cinematic Warriors” should be in your hands NOW!
@geekquality @InkAmazon we want your book to be the topic of our first podcast. It’s a great starting point discuss our inspiration for this project!
The Feeling
@bergopolis Really, the whole thing was extraordinary. I’d hate to single out one thing over another. RT @bardic_lady Favourite part of #GeekGirlCon?
@Chrysaora Trina Robbins is fierce! #geekgirlcon
@trinmiller @GeekGirlCon was a safe space to be a geeky girl where you didn’t have to prove your geekiness or be oogled constantly.
@GeekGirlCon Thank you to all the panelists and guests that attended@GeekGirlCon! We truly appreciate the knowledge you shared with us & the attendees.
@Melhowrad I feel like being on staff for such a great and successful con has gave me a new type of confidence. #GeekGirlCon
@heaven4heroes Thanks @GeekGirlCon for a fun time in Seattle. Loved meeting female comic book fans! You are out there!
@lamemage #GeekGirlCon also wins for having the most upbeat lanyards. So yellow!
@shibuyababy <3 RT @TiredFairy: So #GeekGirlCon was pretty unbelievablyamazingwow. Show sold out, the panels were packed, conversations were incredible.
@InkAmazon @GeekGirlCon would not exist without everyone who cares about it - And that includes You. We are making this community together.
@1941WonderWoman "@GailSimone: I never want to leave @GeekGirlCon."---Yeah, this will go down as the start of a revolution. #GeekGirlCon
@theonetruebix The passion of @kyrax2 is infectious. Long-term, @DCComicsignores her and the demographic she reflects at their peril. #GeekGirlCon
@fried_madness "I deal with being a geek by knowing I'm having so much more fun than everyone else" -Belle Holder #geeksraisinggeeks #GeekGirlCon
@GeekGirlCon "There are great rewards. And it's amazing what your influence can be halfway around the world." - Stephanie Olge @cinebooks #GeekGirlCon
@merismullaley #geekgirlcon may be the most meaningful geek experience in my recent memory. Thank you @GeekGirlCon team!!
@lotusfilmgirl @InkAmazon #GeekGirlCon.Witnessed birth of a revolution that'll change media, our daughters & what they'll dare to dream and imagine 4evr.TU!
@ComandanteA @GeekGirlCon I loved, loved, loved #GeekGirlCon as the wonderful Trina Robbins said "The time has come" 😉 Congrats to all!
@Karowak @GeekGirlCon, Enjoyed Trina Robbins! Didn't realize there were women out there rocking the comic scene since before I was born 🙂
@sarahkuhn Old friends, new friends, BSG ships, bad(ass) karaoke, #CheeseCon, moved to tears too many times to count.@GeekGirlCon, you have my heart.
@shibuyababy Stuff we did this weekend: Sold out @GeekGirlCon, didn't sleep, met rad people, bought goodies, smiled, made sock puppets, had interview!
@emcgillivray Held back those happy tears all weekend at #GeekGirlCon. Then sat on my couch, read what @ruckawriter wrote in my Batwoman trade & cried
@KelseyMWallace Home from #GeekGirlCon! So fun to hang w/ @femfreq @InkAmazon & meet other fun geeks--was able to hide my lack of Dr. Who knowledge too!
@sarahkuhn @InkAmazon @emcgillivray You ladies + your team did an amazing job! Smart, focused programming + a real sense of community. #GeekGirlCon
@ComandanteA I'm still excited about getting to know inspiring people like @GailSimone, Trina Robbins, @InkAmazon, Jan Van Meter, @FemFreq... Amazing 🙂
@InkAmazon @shibuyababy @KiriCallaghan @GeekGirlCon Woke up at 5am, remembered how happy we made so many people, & gave in to the tears. I'm so proud.
@KiriCallaghan At most conventions I always find friends but at #GeekGirlCon, I feel like I found family. @GeekGirlCon
@dcwomenkicknass @GailSimone I know how much hard work and enthusiasm went into this and I'm thrilled, but not surprised, it is a hit. Wish I was there.
@RaeBeta While I realize it's less than halfway through, I feel comfortable calling @GeekGirlCon a resounding success. #awesome #andhow
@ChaseMasterson Nerd. Heaven. Trust me, you wish you were here. @GeekGirlCon
@ChaseMasterson I'm telling you, @thedoubleclicks were worth the trip from LA alone.@GeekGirlCon
@shibuyababy Turned the page of the @strangersuggest to see mine &@InkAmazon 's smiling faces in a @GeekGirlCon feature!twitpic.com/6wt4os
@mirthalia So, now that I'm back I feel free to say that I spent the weekend at #GeekGirlCon and it was amazing. The atmosphere, the panels, everything
@WirednWicked After reading the blog post from @GailSimone, I want to save up and take my little sisters & nieces to Geek Girl Con next time it comes.
@Julesong @rachelleabellar @shibuyababy Besides which, it was a BLAST to craft something beginning of day & use it to finish the con 🙂
@karenkathryne Awesome #geekgirlcon moment: the rest of the panel's faces as Trina Robbins declared "I HATE J Michael Strazynski" (for his run on WW). 😛
@TheStephThorpe ....and cue #geekgirlcon withdrawals. it was a fantastic 1st year. brava @GeekGirlCon! thank you for bringing us all together.
@bergopolis Safe to say that #GeekGirlCon was a game-changer, and I'm incredibly proud to be involved.
@melme Still reeling from #GeekGirlCon. I cannot describe how amazing it was to hear from so many inspirational women. Can't wait for next year!!
@justjenndesigns Spending time w/ @GailSimone & thrilled she promoted my blog (!) is what #GeekGirlCon is all about. Camaraderie, creativity & support. <3
@LvCherieJewelry #GeekGirlCon was so fun and inspiring that I only slept 3 hours last night. So many ideas and so worth it!
@DayAlMohamed Still in Seattle after #geekgirlcon and headed back to DC on Tue. Exhausting but great. Proud to have been a supporter/donor/sponsor.
@shibuyababy Me too! <3 RT @greenspyders: Tearing up reading #GeekGirlContweets. So glad people had fun, it makes all of the work & stress worth it.
@hopelessjen #GeekGirlCon was splendid. Met people I've admired for years, admire many I just met, caught up w/ friends, learned a ton. Great show.
@shibuyababy @KiriCallaghan @GeekGirlCon Aaaand then there go the waterworks. At least now I don't have to worry about screwing up my makeup. 😉
@kyrax2 Thank you to everyone at @GeekGirlCon for making #GeekGirlConan amazing, smashing success. What a positive experience! Thank you so much!
@hopelessjen @GailSimone It really does feel that way, doesn't it? I came away so inspired, energized and stirred.
@AliciaMcBarron Overheard at #GeekGirlCon "This is the best smelling con I've been to."
@sarahkuhn @InkAmazon @emcgillivray You ladies + your team did an amazing job! Smart, focused programming + a real sense of community. #GeekGirlCon
@lotusfilmgirl @InkAmazon And what size tiara do you require??? #GeekGirlCon
@lotusfilmgirl @TiredFairy You led the way on the perfect ending to a revolutionary weekend! Thank you for your kind and encouraging words!!! #GeekGirlCon
@femfreq Watching Labyrinth with a room full of geek girls is the only way to watch it! #GeekGirlCon
@rachelleabellar Highlight of my day was Greg Rucka yelling "Awesome!" when we were taking a hench girl photo #GeekGirlCon #HENCH4LIFE
@Jennifer_deG I'm sitting next to a sleeping Black Canary. #GeekGirlCon
@KiriCallaghan I have nearly cried like 5 times today. The vibe going on is so amazing. Thank you everyone. Seriously. #GeekGirlCon@GeekGirlCon
@fivedaysaway Trina Robbins is awesome. #GeekGirlCon
@missmodular #geekgirlcon audience question: "i'm Isabella & i'm still in elementary school & I was wondering what I can do to get into real science?"
@Melhowrad Ps. To my fellow #GeekGirlCon staff members: you people are amazing! I'm so proud/happy to be apart of the first ever GGC team 🙂
@semanticpoetry I feel like I'm part of something important. #geekgirlcon
@RobbOrr @Spaceknight_69 @Nightfly_69 @backthatelfup Thank you for the retweets. MUCH appreciated! GeekGirlCon is an amazing organization.
@mariancall OMG @Janeespenson will be at @Geekgirlcon in Seattle? Oh awesome awesome awesome. geekgirlcon.com
@LauraBishop Looking over @GeekGirlCon's Saturday programming. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I'm just not going to have time to eat. Or breathe. =D
@lolacolleen Looked @geekgirlcon programming. However will I decide? Get ready for some awesome blogging about the panels!!
@rachelleabellar Looking at the @GeekGirlCon program booklet and I'm getting misty-eyed!
@lookitsjulia Got the October issue of Seattle Met today, and you'll never guess what I found in there. (Hint: it's @GeekGirlCon )
@Brinstar Apparently #GeekGirlCon had ~2000 attendees. Not bad for a first-year convention targeted to geeky women & girls. Well done, @GeekGirlCon
@semanticpoetry Looking at some of the photos from Seattle and @GeekGirlCon and feeling a little teary.
@GirlInRowB Musings on #geekgirlcon..I found the people who should have been my brothers & sisters by blood & wish I was Trina Robbins' granddaughter.
@greenspyders Is it bad that I'm still squeeing over #GeekGirlCon a week later? We did it!!! #GeekGirlConStaffFTW
@greenspyders @raidswindmills "The Con Was Organized by Meticulous OCD Ninjas" is definitely one of my favorite quotes about #GeekGirlCon now.
@merismullaley Things I want to do now that #geekgirlcon is over: rewatch Buffy, read Wonder Woman for the first time; and change the world.
The Feminism
@femfreq Michelle Hu reminds folks that when we bring up privilege we are not talking about individuals we’re talking about systems #geekgirlcon
@RhetoricalTrope If you avoid all the media that’s problematic, you have nothing to consume: critique b/c you care. #geekgirlcon
@femfreq Audience member talks about how exhausting it can be to explain oppressive issues online and repeatedly get attacked for it #geekgirlcon
@femfreq Panelists: It is not the job of a person of colour to teach white folks about privilege, it’s their job to learn #geekgirlcon
@femfreq On the sexualization of women: @GailSimone – characters created to break stereotypes in one decade become stereotypes in next #geekgirlcon
@BitchMedia Just saw some clips from the forthcoming doc The History of the Universe As Told By Wonder Woman! Be excited.#GeekGirlCon
@GeekGirlCon “Find a community you feel secure in and keep that community free of cattiness.” – @mariancall at Killing Cattiness panel #GeekGirlCon
@Jennifer_deG An interesting thing about #GeekGirlCon: Nobody assumes the men are just tagging along. Yay for men who are feminists!
@BitchMedia Talking about women in the horror genre at #GeekGirlCon! “How can horror create social change?”
@deirdrakiai Media literacy panel = awesome. Glad they acknowledged that the “if you don’t like it, make your own” argument is patronising. #geekgirlcon
@femfreq Panelists discuss how it’s useful to define words to make sure readers are on the same page especially with race or feminism#geekgirlcon
@femfreq Dierdre Kiai on masculinity in video games: Patriarchy Hurts Men Too #geekgirlcon
@reelgrrls “A lot of problems w/rep. of women in vid games could be solved by including more than 1 woman in each game” -Katherine Cross #geekgirlcon
@femfreq A takeaway from Media Literacy panel: Many of us struggle with the negotiation between enjoying media & criticizing it #geekgirlcon
@GeekGirlCon At the GirlHeroes Panel w/ Trina Robbins, @robertagregory, @inkamazon, @hopelessjen, & @annetimmons! Amazing, strong women. #GeekGirlCon
@femfreq Panelist: I want my girls to be empowered, not necessarily with powers #GeekGirlCon
@femfreq Hello Seattle: Just had a great ride in the @BBDreamHearse and a wonderful conversation about women in comics w/ Trina Robbins #GeekGirlCon
@Brinstar Holy crap. This media literacy panel is good. They actually mention intersectionality, kyriarchy, POC, anti-racism, & ableism. #GeekGirlCon
The Ink-Stained Amazon’s Holiday Gift Guide for Geeks Day 12!
Jennifer K. Stuller on December 14, 2010 in Uncategorized No Comments »The final day of the guide is for the Geeky Philantropist – It’s The Geeks Give Back Edition!
Now in its seventh year, the Child’s Play charity provides games, toys, and movies to children through a network of over 70 hospitals worldwide, driven by the gaming culture and industry. As of this writing, they have raised over $1,183,000 (for 2010 alone!) to help make life a little bit more bearable and fun for kids dealing with serious illness. What’s more to say? Donate on behalf of your Gamer to this amazing and generous cause, knowing that you’re giving a child some much needed joy when they need it most.
Geek Girl Con is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting awareness of and celebrating the contribution and involvement of women in all aspects of science fiction, comics, gaming and related Geek culture through conventions and events that emphasize both historic and ongoing contribution and influence of women in this culture. Currently, Geek Girl Con needs seed money to kickstart their convention and organization. They’re looking to cover their first operational costs, venue, and early promotional materials. 100% of your donations go directly to Geek Girl Con. The organization hopes to make their Con happen in Seattle, Washington in 2011. Donations can be made through GeekGirlCon.
The History of the Universe as Told By Wonder Woman
The History of the Universe as Told by Wonder Woman from Corey Ohama on Vimeo.
From the site:
THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE AS TOLD BY WONDER WOMAN is an independent documentary feature that looks our culture’s obsessions with superheroes, using our longest running superheroine as a way of exploring how representations of female empowerment have evolved over time.
Examing contemporary culture for women and girls, with its emphasis on how girls and women look, rather than on what they do, the film probes why Wonder Woman has been reduced to a commodity—an icon on a bag, t-shirt or mug etc. How can women claim the action genre as their own, and create more liberating narratives than that of the dominant all-powerful masculine superhero? THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE AS TOLD BY WONDER WOMAN is a visually kinetic yet warmly witty film, harnessing the voices of literary critics, women writers, classicists, philosophers, impersonators, collectors, feminists and fanatics to explore our very gendered notions of “heroism” and “power.”
You can donate through the San Francisco Film Society.
A favorite charity of Browncoats everywhere – who hold annual screenings of Serenity to raise money for the organization,
Equality Now was founded in 1992 to work for the protection and promotion of the human rights of women around the world. Working with national human rights organizations and individual activists, Equality Now documents violence and discrimination against women and mobilizes international action to support their efforts to stop these human rights abuses. Through its Women’s Action Network of concerned groups and individuals around the world, Equality Now, distributes information about human rights violations, takes action to protest these violations, and brings public attention to human rights violations against women.
Donations can be made through their site.
Other ways to give back include a museum membership – perhaps to the Geeky Experience Music Project|Science Fiction Museum in Seattle or the Cartoon Art Museum in San Francisco.
Also see [insertgeekhere]‘s list of Geeky Gifts that Give Back for more ideas!
Happy Geekmas to you all – I wish you Merry Holidays and a Wonderful Year!